Guys, can anyone please assist with helping me identify any of these unknown intro tunes played by Matt at his final gig at Ministry. I've not had any joy getting these recognized and if anybody can ID these, I'd be very pleased. They're a lot harder to figure out because they're warm-up tunes and also because there is distortion in the recordings - apologies in advance for that. The third one is challenging, however the rest are listenable. Thanks for checking these out

IMGP6904.AVI - YouTube
Proggy tune and then they turned up the bass at 2:04.

IMGP6905.AVI - YouTube
Thuddery thudding of the bass but a progressive tune. The most distorted recording

IMGP6906.AVI - YouTube
Female Vocal tune, can hear the vocal from 1:11 & also at 3:39. This is the most distinct unknown. Think the vocalist says "You Only Care/Can"