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Thread: Colin Favor old school rave/acid tune...

  1. #1

    Default Colin Favor old school rave/acid tune...


    Can anyone i.d. the attached tune for me pretty please....

    It was on an old Colin Favor tape from Kiss FM.. . Been after it for many a year..

    Has an awesome acid rift that kicks in a bit later on in the tune.. Don’t think i included it in the sample thou...

    Many thanks in advance, Olidsolid.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    . . . . the suburbs of AM★DAM . . . .


    Dunno it, but perhaps this will guide ya 2 the answer

    OLD SKOOL LOVERS '80 - '93 / Colin Faver & Colin Dale - KISS 100 FM

    Old Skool Anthemz


  3. #3


    Still trying to ID this track so hoping for some fresh ears. It was on a Colin Faver (Apologies Colin RIP for misspelling your name!) Kiss tape from early 1991 and I remember him saying it was from the US (possibly New York), but then I foolishly pressed pause so I missed the name... Duh!

    I'm pretty sure he played Underground Resistance - Riot and The Reese Project - Station Of The Groove on the same show, but all searches come up with diddly squat (so could be my memory!)

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