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Thread: £10 per ID: Pollen - Manchester - 1992ish US/deep house 3 final IDs

  1. #1

    Default £10 per ID: Pollen - Manchester - 1992ish US/deep house 3 final IDs

    Dear Track IDers,

    thanks so much to everyone who has helped me so far with my Pollen mix but it has finally come to this! I have spent 15 years tracking down the choons on this mix and I need the last 3 IDs to complete my Pollen tape and I will give £10 for each successful ID!!!! Paid via paypal, however you want -but I really need these IDs!

    The original mix is available for download here: -
    RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

    RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

    My completed re-mixed side 2 is here:-
    RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

    The missing tracks - Side 1, tracks 1, 9 & 10
    (Bonus track - Side 1, track 13)

    If someone can ID all 3 tracks + the bonus, I'll give you £40!!

    Whereas it might seem unethical to offer hard cash for the remaining IDs, I am hoping I might just attract enough attention to finally complete this mix so I can finally move on in my life!!!!!

    Thanks for listening,

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    All I can tell you is that the 'Be with you' track uses Rowettas vocals from Sweet Mercy - Reach Out. Might help with tracking it down who knows. Ed

  3. #3


    Thanks presuminged! I wondered where that vocal came from originally as heard it in a few other tunes! Any clues are helpful cos if I can't find the choons on this site I will have to do some real intense detective work!!! These records must be on discogs somewhere...

  4. #4


    Dear peeps, this offer still stands!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Pollen tape side 1 - track 13 contains a sample of Moby - Go (Woodstick Mix)
    ... but i don't know your tune , sorry

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    No help at all but i used to have a Dave Shakra (go tropo-Nottingham) tape from 94 with track 13 on. Great tune. Sounds like a great tape.

  7. #7


    Dear TuneIDers, this offer still stands!!

    Can anyone help??

    Hey Harri74, you can download the tape from the links above. My re-mix is lovely and clean!!

  8. #8


    Dear TuneIDers,

    my offer still stands. £10 per correct ID of my 4 outstanding pollen tunes! Please help and bag yourself some money for Christmas you lovely people!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    HIGH at ichycoo park


    Hi mate

    I can hear the muppets on the first track. kermit and co.

  10. #10


    Hi Snowballs,

    yes, the DJ doing this tape scratched the Muppets over that first tune. All of the muppet samples are off the very first muppet album (which I have now also bought!) - so those muppet bits are not part of the tune!! Any ideas what the tune could be???

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