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Thread: 92 Track Search

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default 92 Track Search

    Hi guys

    I’m looking for a track from an old Mr C tape from 92 I think, although no longer have the tape, just the memory. The track had a very similar sample to the very beginning of this Morales mix of Shaun Christopher’s Don’t lose the magic. No vocals in the track I’m looking for apart from this sample, beats and bassline. I’ve checked all mixes of the Shawn Christopher track but it’s none of those.
    I hope someone knows the track, if not any ideas would be hugely appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    . . . . the suburbs of AM★DAM . . . .



    UR & Yolanda Reynolds - Living For The Nite (For The Music)

    Old Skool Anthemz


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Thank you but it’s not that one, it’s a bit more basic than that. I appreciate your response ��

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Any ideas anyone?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Bustamoove View Post
    Hi guys

    I’m looking for a track from an old Mr C tape from 92 I think, although no longer have the tape, just the memory. The track had a very similar sample to the very beginning of this Morales mix of Shaun Christopher’s Don’t lose the magic. No vocals in the track I’m looking for apart from this sample, beats and bassline. I’ve checked all mixes of the Shawn Christopher track but it’s none of those.
    I hope someone knows the track, if not any ideas would be hugely appreciated.

    So you're looking for the original vocal which this chopped up to make the intro of the Shawn Christopher dub, you posted?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Bustamoove View Post
    Hi guys

    I’m looking for a track from an old Mr C tape from 92 I think, although no longer have the tape, just the memory. The track had a very similar sample to the very beginning of this Morales mix of Shaun Christopher’s Don’t lose the magic. No vocals in the track I’m looking for apart from this sample, beats and bassline. I’ve checked all mixes of the Shawn Christopher track but it’s none of those.
    I hope someone knows the track, if not any ideas would be hugely appreciated.

    Well the beginning of the David Morales dub, that samlle chopped up is the acapella of Shawn Christopher record he remixed. It's the first syllable of Magic...Ma ma ma ma ma...

    Not sure what you're looking for.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2015



    Yeah it’s a track which is quite simple drum:bass etc and has a sample repeated now and then which is very similar to the ma ma ma sample at the beginning of the track I sent the link of.

    I hope that explains it ����

  8. #8
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    Yeah it’s a track from 91 or 92 which is similar to very beginning and end of the Morales dub I added a link to although I’m sure it wasn’t that track. The track I’m looking for is quite basic with no vocals apart from ma ma ma mu ma type repeated now and then.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Bustamoove View Post

    Yeah it’s a track from 91 or 92 which is similar to very beginning and end of the Morales dub I added a link to although I’m sure it wasn’t that track. The track I’m looking for is quite basic with no vocals apart from ma ma ma mu ma type repeated now and then.

    Ohh so it's not the same sample or anything from the david morales track. You're saying the intro has that same stacatto repetitive sample chop?

    Maybe it's this:

  10. #10
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    Nov 2015


    It’s not that one, much more of a basic track than that. The only chopped up voice sample in it is the one from the beginning David Morales remix of don’t lose the magic, or very similar sounding. As I recall it just had drum, bass, snare and the chopped up voice sample repeated several times throughout the track. At the time of hearing the tape (several times) I had don’t lose the magic and was familiar with all of the mixes and was sure it wasn’t that.

    I appreciate the link.

    Hopefully someone will know the track I’m looking for

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Bustamoove View Post
    It’s not that one, much more of a basic track than that. The only chopped up voice sample in it is the one from the beginning David Morales remix of don’t lose the magic, or very similar sounding. As I recall it just had drum, bass, snare and the chopped up voice sample repeated several times throughout the track. At the time of hearing the tape (several times) I had don’t lose the magic and was familiar with all of the mixes and was sure it wasn’t that.

    I appreciate the link.

    Hopefully someone will know the track I’m looking for

    Ohhh so it is the SAME vocal sample in the intro as the David Morales dub? That's what I was trying to understand. If so, that helps me.

  12. #12
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    Nov 2015


    Yeah or very similar sounding. Not all of the way through the track, but in intervals. In my head it goes ma ma ma mu ma, ma ma ma ma ma mu ma ����

    I guess that I should have made more effort to locate it at the time, much more difficult 32 years later ��

  13. #13
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    . . . . the suburbs of AM★DAM . . . .


    Quote Originally Posted by Bustamoove View Post
    Thank you but it’s not that one, it’s a bit more basic than that. I appreciate your response ��
    damn, I ran outta options then

    Old Skool Anthemz


  14. #14


    This is the thing, knowing whether it uses the SAME sample, which is the Shawn Christopher Morales Dub that Morales chopped the Ma-gic part of the her voice, OR, if it's an entirely different sample but with JUST the same rhythm/tones makes a HUGE difference in the way you're going to find it imo.

    It's possible the track your looking for was played in 92 , but was produced earlier, keep that in mind. If it was the SAME sample as Morales chopped, then we can keep it to 92, but you're saying it just "sounds similar" that's not affirming.

    I have a question, do you know anything else about the track which could be helpful:

    Like drum machines used?
    Any other known sounds that you can identify?

    I'm currently going through some old MR. C tapes, I'll keep you I
    Last edited by djpopcorn; 26th January 2025 at 07:14 PM.

  15. #15
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    Nov 2015


    Thank you djpopcorn, I can’t be sure although I think it’s very similar although slightly different.
    , definitely Ma and Mu and possibly with a slight echo. Another track which was on the tape was Margaret Conway sure shot Todd Terry UK Club Mix, which gives a 91-92 timeframe.

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