Well 6 is Definitely Starman - Your Love
Type: Posts; User: kobayashi
Well 6 is Definitely Starman - Your Love
Scouse house mostly from a Hiit Class i attend this year (Instructor has no idea which CD / playlist even came from) - some could be starman thanks!
Not sure if this right forum or not....
Please can someone ID this newer modern mix of Stone Age, think it is about 2 or 3 years old, was thinking Pianoman / Boy Raver (Shaun Lever), Whorehouse...
Not sure where to put this..
Please Can someone ID this amazing Dance track taken from the 2013 Julian Assange Film 'Fifth Estate' Lyrics are ''Shine,Shine, Shining through the Light, Dancing to...
Boy Raver has created a version on bigtunesmp3 but nowhere near as good as this!
bought bone & brothers, its not the right one. worth a gamble tho. Still looking for this myself
Solved Baby James - Notice me
Can confirm Baby James - Notice Me. Is in fact the correct tune!!!
It also samples Madonna - Papa dont preach.
Have uploaded the full song : )
Baby James - Notice Me - YouTube
I don't think it is white label but it does look like a grey version with the imprint of the label!. Its very close. Im gonna take a chance and buy it, theres one at HTFR too
If you stop the video & enlarge at 5.02mins it looks like it is only 1 side of vinyl. (Not 2 tracks per side). I cannot find a sample of baby james - notice me?? anyone else.
i was thinking of this its not far off
The bassline & melody sounds so damn familiar. Part of it samples PSI Fantazia (do not resist the beat) I do not recognise the other vocal though ''get your body moving'' but i have heard this melody...
Thanks dodgymix this has made my day. Whoever the dj was on these tapes got me into music just glad i have now got the names of all the tracks and most are cheap on discogs!-)
These were my favourite tapes of the 90's and typically the slo moshun style' tune was the one i was after most.
ive re-uploaded it as mp3 for convenience
'Peps' was an awesome niteclub in...
Now u mention Itchy scratchy i flicked past it the other day, white spots on blue cover.
i just listened & already have it! What a dozy. Though this saves me buying things twice which i have done...
thanks only 1 more to go on this set! :p
thanks for this one always thought it was junior vasquez no wonder i couldnt find it!:)
Peppermint Place Blackburn 1995 (Peps) Tape 3 - YouTube
Hello I am after completing the tracklist below
22mins.M.A.S.I. - Apache (SOLVED - Mattylad)
0mins - Blapps Posse - Dont...
Peppermint Place Blackburn 1995 (Peps) Tape 2 - YouTube
Hello I am after completing the tracklist below
19mins: Go > Zo – All The Bitches In The House (SOLVED - Dodgymix)
Peppermint Place Blackburn 1995 (Peps) Tape 1 - YouTube
Hello I am after completing the tracklist below
1mins: Moseph Cat - My Children
6mins: Eve...