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View Full Version : ID of an old Drum & Bass tune

21st November 2017, 03:03 PM

So I picked up an old crate of vinyl that someone was punting, and I found this wee gem. The problem is that the vinyl itself is in awful condition, there's joint bombers and ash wedged into the grooves. I like this wee tune but no idea who it was made by.

Any ideas who made this?
What year it sounds like its from?

I really like it, I want a good version of it because as you can hear, its a mess.


22nd November 2017, 12:38 AM
Sounds like 1994-1995 Moving Shadow stuff (my first guess was JMJ & Richie)
You can find the catalogue number etched between the runout grooves. Then type it into the Discogs search engine...

22nd November 2017, 12:58 AM
Magic big man, I've got some listening to do, thanks for the reply. Catch ya later :D