View Full Version : If anyone gets these, I'll be impressed!

Red Mancunian
19th March 2003, 01:52 PM
Not old skool, both pretty recent, but in the long tradition of 'Red's ID requests', my info/descriptions are pretty sh*te...

1st one (not too difficult for PS2 owners I hope):

Erm, anyone who has got 'WRC II Extreme' on the Playstation 2 will know which one I mean - it's the trance(y) track on the menu screen and intro. Can't find any credits for it, but I know it's a proper track and not the game music.

2nd one (no-one will get this from my description):

Sh*te, where do I begin? Erm, a recent dance track, was used by the BBC a few months ago on BBC1 for an advert for, erm, I've forgot! :$

I'll elaborate on that one if I can get my memory to work. :crazy:

I'm not p*ssed, by the way.

19th March 2003, 02:32 PM
for the WRC one try http://www.wrc2extreme.com/default.asp?lang=en

they got a forum and someone will know in there probs, gotta register and all that tho fella

and for the other one try

www.commercialbreaksandbeats.com or www.bbc.co.uk


Red Mancunian
20th March 2003, 12:57 PM
Cheers fella!

Red Mancunian
25th March 2003, 11:07 AM
Red Mancunian noun See 'stupid prick'.

Next time, I'll try reading the frikking instruction manual, that way I'll have very quickly found out that the song is called 'Star Guitar' by The Chemical Brothers. :axe:

27th March 2003, 08:53 PM
I'm going to guess the BBC one is Ian Pooley 900 degrees which is lickle belter!!!!

Anyone got an MP3 snippet, am sure there is one on the net somewhere..