View Full Version : Very strane id from late 80's early 90's

19th March 2003, 12:59 PM
I was listening to an old tape of MINE and found this deeply warped house tune wit hthe vocal chorus of
" i am begining to think shes a whore shes a whore she's a whore"

Anyone got any ideas??

Cos I have not got the foggiest

20th March 2003, 09:59 PM
ripley m8
this is mad
ive just been sent this 2 mins ago on irc by a mate


its deffo the tune u after
i am begining to think shes a whore shes a whore she's a whore

fantastic tune

20th March 2003, 10:01 PM
very bleepy almost sounds early detroit style
the cahp who jus sent it says its from 92

20th March 2003, 10:07 PM
snippet for u

20th March 2003, 10:25 PM
That is unbelievable -spot on.

Used to get caned by Harvey al lthe time but I could nt remeber waht it was .

You have blown me away.

Now all I need is to find away to check my posts for typos before I submit them.


20th March 2003, 10:27 PM
I was going to post "from 92" but as I could not remeber the tune so I thoght the year must be way off.

Found memories of TONKA at the Zap in Brighton. Decks set up o nthe middle of the dancefloor and beach parties after wards.

And this was on a MONDAY

20th March 2003, 10:29 PM
your lucky i remebered the post m8
and that this chap decided to send me the tune jus coz he thought id like it
ne way glad to help fella

20th March 2003, 10:37 PM
trouble is now I have to find it - I now it is somewhere but I am (as always) i nthe midst of a sort out .

I have stuff I do not evern rememeber buying!!!