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View Full Version : Bacon, Beans, Egg & A Fried Slice

7th January 2017, 09:02 PM
Hi everyone! I wondered if anyone could possibly please help me out with an ID for a track I heard on OSA's auto DJ yesterday. It was from 'Just Danny's OSA Summer Sizzler '07' and feels like one I have known at some point. It is a slightly pianoey tune with the unusual lyric 'Bacon, Beans, Egg & A Friiiied Slice!' spoken in a male voice. Any help is as always much appreciated. Many thanks. Ed

8th January 2017, 05:03 PM
Ed mate, this is most likely:

MAB System - I Feel So Good



9th January 2017, 12:57 AM
Ed mate, this is most likely:

MAB System - I Feel So Good



Ahh nice one Dave. Thanks very much mate. Hope you're keeping well fella. All the best for 2017! Cheers. Ed