View Full Version : hacienda - tcoy carino ?? anyone know what this is please

Riz E
17th March 2003, 11:17 AM
I just got hold of this on mp3. its just tagged as hacienda - tcoy carino.
if anyone could could give me more info on it id be well chuffed.
ive done a 24kps mp3pro conversion of full tune that hopefully will help. probaly wont be everyones cup of tea but i quite like the tune lol.
ta in advance

17th March 2003, 11:37 AM
It's one of the first UK House tracks, and was from 1987 I think, with Pickering at the controls.

In two words, "Mutts Nuts".

17th March 2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by wildpitch
It's one of the first UK House tracks, and was from 1987 I think, with Pickering at the controls.

In two words, "Mutts Nuts".

On the money as per Froz mate :thumbsup:

I love this tune as well - nice loose latino number :king:

Riz E
17th March 2003, 11:47 AM
thanks wildpitch much appreciated mate.


18th March 2003, 07:02 AM
It's definately Pickering. He was on the Pump Up the Volume programme about 1 1/2 years ago talking about it, how he come down 2 London 2 get the covers done etc.