View Full Version : 2 great oldies. One of which you guys should know

22nd November 2002, 01:58 AM
The first track is an oldskool breaky hardcore tune with a well known sampled vocal "party people let me see if you can dance". This one should be a snap for all you hardcore peeps.

The second is on the house tip. I got this sound clip from a DJ Hell bootleg. An incredible melody on this tune, believe me! There's some vocals in this but i can't make out what the lyrics are. Something like.. "this sound is house, listen to your life.. this sound is yours.."

This zip file contains the sound clips (649KB in size) http://members.fortunecity.com/id2tracks4me/id2tracksplz.zip

Any info regarding these tracks is greatly appreciated! Thanks :)

Edit: Try left clicking on the link to d/l the zip file. Right click won't work sometimes for whatever reason. If your still having trouble, check this page where right clicking on "click-here" will work. http://members.fortunecity.com/id2tracks4me/trkz.html

22nd November 2002, 09:40 AM
Just a guess for the time being, but DJ Hell did a tune called 'My definition of House'.

22nd November 2002, 10:03 AM
Is the 1st tune a breakbeat 92-ish tune ? Fast breaks with synth stabs with the 'part people vocal' - then the breakdown is a floaty flutey synth line with underlying piano ? If so I know the one you mean - Slipmatt used to cane it.... I've forgotten what the tune is called but Mousemaid ID'd it last year - either her, Jaz, Alan or Dara are aya hardcore experts on here mate :thumbsup:

22nd November 2002, 10:57 AM
1st one is probably release dance in eden but i couldnt reach the clips to confirm ......
2nd i cant say cos ive not heard it (yet)

22nd November 2002, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Biskit
Just a guess for the time being, but DJ Hell did a tune called 'My definition of House'.

I know the tune your talking about. That ain't the one m8.
If you were having trouble d/ling the zip file, check the webpage i posted up above.

22nd November 2002, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Shoomster
Is the 1st tune a breakbeat 92-ish tune ? Fast breaks with synth stabs with the 'part people vocal' - then the breakdown is a floaty flutey synth line with underlying piano ? If so I know the one you mean - Slipmatt used to cane it.... I've forgotten what the tune is called but Mousemaid ID'd it last year - either her, Jaz, Alan or Dara are aya hardcore experts on here mate :thumbsup:

YES! You nailed the description down perfectly! :)
So it's by Slipmatt.
Anyone know the title?