View Full Version : strange emotion

ben g
18th November 2002, 06:20 PM
hu sing a song called strange emotion its a zone tune that stu davis plays on debbie d's birthday 1996 pt 2, mixes into xeya-kiss me,
ben g

18th November 2002, 06:24 PM
High state Logic "Its a strange emotion"

Just a quick guess lol

does it have a stuttered female vocal going e e e e e e e emotion (At least i think it says that rolf)

is it mainly instrumental thats souns slightly early trance? Mind you it might be the mix ive got on mp3


18th November 2002, 09:01 PM
Your deffo right Alan it's High State Logic "it's a strange emotion" on Dj Movements (DJM 160) from 1995.

BTW Ben, i was speakin to some lads who know you on sat nite when i was djing at Kinetik in blackpool, Russ and John Guest I know them from going to the zone at maximes and strangley enough they were on about this tune, i take it's a popular tune down your way?

Kev..............:phones: :phones: :phones:

18th November 2002, 09:02 PM
Do you want the mpfree ben?

PM us your email addy

ben g
20th November 2002, 12:46 PM
was it any good at Kinetik on sat nite i was ment to be goin but i didn't have any money

alen, if you have it on mp3 then can you send it us please mate !

n cheers for ya help !

ben g

20th November 2002, 06:25 PM
Aye! It was a bangin nite m8 with just the right amount of old italian and new house/trance.

Deffo the place to go if your an enthusiast of proper dance music ;)

Kev..............:phones: :phones: :phones: