View Full Version : Human League Love Action Sample

8th November 2002, 12:26 AM
Hello all,

Long time no post,

Was EON's "Spice" the only tune that sampled the meowing synth from the start of the Human Leagues Love Action? I'm sure that there is an earlier tune using the same.

Any ideas,


8th November 2002, 12:37 AM
If its the sample I am thinking of the it was used on Egyptian Empire - Horn Track - but that was after Eon - their was definatly a track that used it before both

8th November 2002, 01:51 AM
you're not talking about the cheesy organ riff? I've been dying to make a tune with that for ages

8th November 2002, 04:50 PM
Utah Saints also used a love action sample in err i think its called "Believe in me"

Wont be this one though that you want lol

i thought id put it in for trivia purposes lol
