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View Full Version : Techno/Acid Track From 1988/89 - Let Me See You Shake

7th March 2013, 06:46 PM
Hi everyone :wave:,

I'm trying to id a techno/acid track from 1988/89. It used to be played quite a lot on the London pirates at the time (Sunrise, Centreforce, Fantasy and Dance). I've been trying to remember the title since then with no luck and it's driving me nuts!

It has a slightly vocoded vocal which goes:

Let, let, let me see you sh-sh-shake, shake.

I'm sure it's a UK production but I could be wrong

It's been sampled a fair few times, but the only one I can recall at the moment is DJ Phantasy's Hashi & Some Sensi

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated :thumbsup:

7th March 2013, 06:56 PM
Try this one:

http://www.discogs.com/Soul-Rebellion-Simple-Rhythm/master/190536 : "Let Me See You Shake Version"

7th March 2013, 07:31 PM
Thanks Shamanixx:thumbsup: ,

It's definately the right vocal, but I don't think it's that track. The Soul Rebellion track is going into my collection though.

I'm sure it was earlier than 1990 (but that could be the old grey matter playing tricks). I may also have only heard it in a mix so that could account for it sounding different.

7th March 2013, 08:08 PM


7th March 2013, 08:58 PM
Thanks Meltdown :thumbsup:,

I've got the Bassheads record and it's one of the one's that's sampled the older track. Who Can Make Me Feel Good is definately a better one to hear the sample than the DJ Phantasy one though.