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View Full Version : Please help!!!

11th December 2012, 11:18 PM
Peeps can you please help me out with the name of this tune.
I heard it around 1998.....It could have been released that year or earlier it was getting smashed on the pirates and at gas club...powehouse...DEJA VU......... GRAYS INN ECT.

I have know Idea of the artist, label, producer... ect.

I can only give a description of it...

The lyrics sound

gotta get.......gotta get my in....
gotta get.......gotta get my in......
gotta get.......gotta get my in......

Cant go home with out your lOOOOOOOOO URving.......
(LOVING) (Smurf Like)
then it drops into a heavy 4X4 beat.......
if anyone has any ideas.......ANY AT ALL
it really would be very VERY appreciated....
Please Just drop your thoughts and comments!!!!

Thanks a lot peeps !!!:D