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View Full Version : Golden Oldies Vol.3 ('90-'92)

19th August 2012, 03:52 PM
Some belters that were never found. Thx for looking! :spin:

20th August 2012, 07:40 PM
rawness = Hardsell Mix on http://www.discogs.com/Cameo-Money/release/48366

I have #5 also but can't find it. Almost positive it's by Beltram, either as a pseudonym or maybe a remix. Thought it was tune below but it's not. However you can hear how similar it is.

Joey Beltram - Get Into Life (Released in 1991) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5RHRnGE55U)

21st August 2012, 01:41 AM
HA! I originally had #2 labeled "(sounds like joey beltram)"! Those stabs give it away. Never would've guessed in a million it'd be some obscure Cameo remix! Now that you mention it #5 does sound like GIL, I never noticed before. You're prolly right about it being another Beltram piece. Good ears!!

2nd October 2012, 02:52 AM
Finally found #5. It's the Beltram mix on this http://www.discogs.com/BG-The-Prince-Of-Rap-The-Power-Of-Rhythm/release/219263

4th October 2012, 12:26 AM
Big thanks bro! :wave:

[searches soulseek for the mp3] :naughty:

4th October 2012, 12:28 AM
Big thanks bro! :wave:

[searches soulseek for the mp3] :naughty: