View Full Version : Sasha vocal/tribal tune from 95/96

3rd October 2002, 09:25 AM
Hi guys..... any info on this beauty is muchos appreciatos:

Female vocals:

"When I look into your sad blue eyes,
It seems like love has been & gone,
It's the end of the line,
We're wasting our time,
I kiss you goodbye.

Can't believe,
I ever said,
I would die for you.

Your eyes do more than kill,
I want to live (or leave ??)."

Big drum solo's & synth stabs.....nooooooice !!

Cheers in advance peeps :thumbsup:

3rd October 2002, 12:17 PM
its not that little 'grace' bird

I want to live (or leave ??)."

is it (i'm pretty sure you'd know that one)

3rd October 2002, 01:12 PM
Could be that mate - cheers for the pointer - gonna check it out :thumbsup:

3rd October 2002, 05:51 PM
as wyds said Grace - I want to live

lyrics courtesy of http://www.gavinfriday.com/archive/lyrics/lyrics_adameve.html


3rd October 2002, 06:17 PM
Wicked chaps :thumbsup: been listening to a Sasha set from Up Your Ronson in 96 which I've not listened to for yonks..... when that tune drops to the vocals only it's major goosepimple time:heart:

Thanks again !

3rd October 2002, 06:41 PM
I've got a couple of different promos of this if you're after it Shoomster, a single 12" and a double pack. Let me know if you want it and I'll list the mixes. Beter still, if you can grab a sample of the tape, I'll see if I've got that one.

3rd October 2002, 06:51 PM
Wicked stuff WP !!! :thumbsup: Difficult to describe the mix I'm after apart from to say it's EPIC ..... BIG drum effects that sound like some old orchestral boy is hammering kettle drums.... I'll do u a rip of the tape...... :phones:

3rd October 2002, 06:53 PM
Have you got somewhere you can up it to?

3rd October 2002, 08:40 PM
try the legend b mix

if their is one their usually good

perfecto records
(any production by warrington's own boy 'quivver' aka 'john graham') / oakenfold style in 1995/6
was excellent

even sasha hammered most of the stuff

8th October 2002, 02:09 PM
Is the geezer from Quivver from Warrington then?

THere's hope for me yet?!!!

Well looking forward to that tape now shoom, I enjoy those goosebumps moments!

:heart: :phones: ;)