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View Full Version : How old age shatters ya memory on i'd'ing tunes...

19th November 2010, 12:29 PM
I cant believe just how many clips i listen to & think I have no idea what that is, onlky to see it id'd as something i have had in a box for donkeys years...
This sites great for that- but at 40 I'm starting to realise that my memory has become somewhat shocking - I can reemeber my sleeves, maybe the whereabouts of a record (or where its meant to be..), but my memory for titles is defo getting much worse.
10 yrs ago I could have reeled em off... last few years the old grey matter is failing me on its cataloguing capabilities.
This sites great - folks contributions are excellent - you think you know your music then you listen to some of the obscure stuff folk post & you realise you dont even scratch the surface...
Keep up the good work folks (oh, n thanks for the occasional id : )

19th November 2010, 05:57 PM