View Full Version : Fabio 91 tunez

6th February 2002, 04:39 PM
I made a new www.myplay.com locker - email jaz@oldskool.anthemz pass 12345

Heres a few I need off a few Fabio-Eclipse 91 tapes,there mostly pianoy style/mellow hardcore tunes so have a bash at them plz...


Fabio - addictied to love.=raving mad - addicted to love (ta lisa)
allright kids - Fabio
crashy cymbal - Fabio
Fabio - feeeeellll the rythym=Frankie Goes To Brooklyn - The Rhythm (Mental Atmosphere)(ta dara)
Fabio - going so soon.mp3=peace of mind - acid dungeon (ta dara)
Fabio - i love to love u baby=he begining - love II love (ta lisa)
Fabio - love me yeahh= fsol 1in8 (ta lisa)
Fabio - oh we need love.mp3
Fabio - oh.mp3=z-formation - oh (ta dara)
Fabio - whistle.mp3
Oooh I say ooh - Fabio
yeah hey ohh haa. - Fabio
Fabio - slave to your love =Tekniq - Tecknophone (ta dara)

6th February 2002, 04:57 PM
Soz Jax mate - listened to 'em all - familiar but no idea (one of them is on a Frankie Bones tape I have - the cymbal one)