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View Full Version : Jaco -Purple Warp?

27th April 2009, 05:05 PM
Hi all back in the day i had a copy of Jaco-Show Some Love in a purple warp sleeve, which had the name on and everything
now i'm looking for it but it doesn't seem to exist

it had a mix on the bside that isn't on the black sleeve warp version or the fourth wave release

does this ring any bells for you progsters? :confused:

27th April 2009, 06:16 PM
Jaco - Show Some Love (12") at Discogs (http://www.discogs.com/Jaco-Show-Some-Love/release/119379)

That's it. It actually has 2 more mixes on than the Fourth Wave release. Ed

Edit: Ahh so you're saying theres another one on warp? Not sure about that, so can't help ya i'm afraid

27th April 2009, 06:18 PM
Just as a note, i think the sleeve could actually be purple on the discogs one, as the photo isn't very good. The label certainly is. Ed

27th April 2009, 07:53 PM
the mix i remember has a long outro of the "chickiahaahah" in accapella
and its not as heavy as the main (more well known) mix

but it ain't on the discogs one or the fourth wave

the sleeve was as purple and in the same style as Rhythm Invention & THK France for example

not dreaming this, it was real i tell you, real! :'(