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View Full Version : Rolling\Intelligent 1994 Drum & Bass Mystery

20th August 2008, 12:33 PM
Hi all new to this forum and would much appreciate it if you could listen to this..

A DJ friend did a jungle/D&B mix for me back in 1994, this is a rolling, intelligent tune with a awesomley beautiful then explosive breakdown towards the end of the clip..I'm desperate to find out what it is, but its proving very elusive..

I have a hunch I have heard a very similar break style in a remix of Ed rush & Nicos - Bludclart Aartatack -which I think was a remix EP released on NO U turn in 1994 - with the charlie sheen sample "sometimes when i wake up i think i am back in the jungle" - however this is just a hunch..!

Thanks for your help!

23rd August 2008, 07:13 PM
The Alliance - Integration
Moving Shadow :: SHADOW2O1-5 :: 2 On 1 - Issue 5 (http://www.rolldabeats.com/release/moving_shadow/shadow2o1_5)

27th August 2008, 08:20 AM
Thanks a lot ethereal, i've been after this one for ages! cheers!:D