View Full Version : life@bowlers tunes please help

5th August 2002, 08:06 PM

can anyone please help an old bowlers chick::'(

im looking for the name of some tunes from the new years eve 1996(life) tape no 33, it sounds like kylie and has the vocals feels just like im sitting on top of the world, another tune from that tape has the vocals hold me in your arms with and ultrasonic tune underneath if anyone knows any other tunes also on the tape the 2nd track on side A

Also new years eve 1995 tape number 10 side a, the very first that has about 30 seconds worth with the vocals as long as your good to me, also same side with the vocals now im breaking away all i need is the time and the something to move pretty vague i know

Also Bounce No7 year 95, a tune with the vocals just me yeah yeah with v big piano rift:phones:

oh and also before i go a huge maximes tune v early 1990's to the vocals stop stop stop gonna lose everything that we got think think think we got so much at stake, stop stop stop do you want my love or not think think think dont let a good thing get away:p

i know there a lot but have been searching for years please help an old raver



life@bowlers 1995-1999 you would have seen me:axe: :axe:

5th August 2002, 08:17 PM
the first one is duderella - feeling like im sitting on top of the world

the hold me in your arms could be the accapella of hold me in your arms over another tune it gets batterd the acca of that

the stop stop stop tune is system - dont stop

il prolly know the others just im stoned so il leave em to sum 1 else i feel like me heads gonna fall of

6th August 2002, 08:52 AM
Unfortunately don't have the tapes but the "as long as you're good to me" could be Judy Cheeks - As Long As You're Good To Me. At a guess it'll be the Dancin' Diva's remix. Does it go:
"as long as you're good to me, I ain't going nowhere"

6th August 2002, 12:36 PM
'hold me in your arms' collapse
(collapse who also did 'my love' ambient drops)

'now im breaking away all i need is the time and the something to move'
'breaking away' tune is by a really cheesy pop act female

somet like

belinda carlisle, (mm.. I've defo got it at home, which i can check if nobody else knows it)

pumpin house style track, tony de vit played it a bit

6th August 2002, 01:51 PM

thanks everyone for helping me with them tunes i really appreciate it, ive got loads more i need to identify so ill post them on later on my lunch break at the mo

thanks again;)


old skooler
6th August 2002, 07:06 PM
the hold me in your arms,with ultra sonic piano sample is by sarasota,named hold me.
nice bowlers tune

7th August 2002, 07:04 PM
Its actually the Crowdpleasers, Hold Me (but its the same fellas behind them and Sarasota), Mike Stewart & Sean Richmond.

BIT Productions, 003, 1996.

Very Very good tune.

8th August 2002, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by butty
the stop stop stop tune is system - dont stop

or Pierre Feroldi Feat Linda Ray - "Get Away" :p

Same vocal used on both ;)

11th August 2002, 06:34 PM
I knew it

thanks to kev on another thread, who reminded me the name

Kim Wilde "breakin' away" Matt Darey vocal mix 1995

11th August 2002, 07:17 PM
Another tune that sampled 'Collapse - Hold me in your arms' from '96 was 'HOLD ME' by 'LOVELIFE', its a Scotish production on 'Pressure Trax'.