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View Full Version : Nineties track with SEVERELY LOWERED PITCH! Now with audio sample! Sorta.

13th March 2008, 05:35 PM
This is a track which I heard on indie radio.

I've reworked ANOTHER TRACK ENTIRELY click here! (http://www.tranceaddict.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=464611&forumid=2) into a pitch-shifted one, just like the track i'm seeking.
Scroll down to where is says:

And on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxB1eE_aaX8

This is just to give you an idea of what I mean. I've made it in two pieces, first 30 secs in a 22.000 Hz pitch, then a second of silence, then 15 seconds in an even lower pitch of 16.000 Hz.

What I know about this track is:
1} it is sung by a man. style is ambient-ish. experimental.
2} the pitch of his voice is altered/lowered, like that of slowed down audio, HOWEVER, the speed is is NOT slower than normal
3} possible lyric fragments are:
a."in your eyes, in your eyes" OR "in your mind, in your mind" or any variation on this which sounds similar
b. "As it goes through the door" ??? something something "like ice" or "like eyes" with the I-I-I-I-I part stretched.
(and googling didn't get me anywhere, but I'm a dyslexic so not so good at sifting through tons of pages)
4} the time frame is early nineties, maybe late eighties, surely not after 2000.

It seemed very UNcommercial to me, not a club sound either, more like experimental type of thing. Given it was broadcasted on indie radio in Amsterdam. That radio station has sadly vanished.

Of course, if you ID this, I'll be so grateful that I'll name my future kids after you :confused: ;) :bj: :(

And it's definitely NOT some group as well known as the Pet Shop Bioys. It has to be a complete unknown group

Okay, so I just found out you CAN have attachements here, oops ma bhad.

The song is P'cock - House in the Storm
