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View Full Version : Female singer - so slow in the sun whilst ...

10th November 2007, 05:36 PM

I'm trying to id the attached tune.

Its from the Feburary 2004 "Cosmic Show" (hosted by LTJ Bukem of Good Looking, that's who you can hear talking)

The track comes in at around 29 minutes, I placed it something like:
23:52 Marcel - Cash
27:13 Patchworks - Million Toes Interlude
29:27 *the song i'm trying to id*
34:17 Vincent Trio - Fink

I've tried googling on lyric snippets, anything else I can think of
and come up blank.

Thanks for any help,


(full version here - http://aquasync.googlepages.com/full-track.ogg)