View Full Version : John J Fav circa '91/2 (Zone)

12th September 2007, 09:23 PM
Dear all, I would be most grateful if you could assist in iding a track for me. I am new to tuneid so bear with me. I do have a clip and will post when I find the tape.
The track is euro tech, about 128 bpm with a female vocal ''stepped into my life without a word of warning, so naive to think that you'd be there in the morning'' and includes a loop ''read my lips''........?

Another Jepson track which I am after, sounded like something released on D+W which went ''oh yeh, oh yeh, oh yeh oh yeh oh yeh'' sorry it's a bit vague.......

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I will dig the tapes out soon.....

Many thanks..........:stupid:

13th September 2007, 02:50 AM
I know the track you mean..it was a big vertigo tune...been an unknown on here for a while. Ed

13th September 2007, 11:59 AM
Hi there and thanks for the response. I did ask John one night and he suggested that it was tina joy.....!? He was either well gone, or sending me on a wild goose chase, prob the latter......

Any ideas on the second tune....................?

I'll dig the tapes out, that will make it easier...

Thanks again matey...:thumbsup:

5th November 2007, 11:38 PM
its .. thin plate - pay that love

5th November 2007, 11:39 PM
btw i have a spare for sale ;)