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View Full Version : FAO mrshifter re: ark tracklists

ivan smackhead
22nd May 2006, 10:14 PM
don't suppose you've got the tracklisting for

mark holliday fri 8th nov 1991

have you? had the tape since early '92 and know most of the tracks but it'd be great to have a definitive tracklisting.

got the tape off my mate russ who was instrumental in putting on the nights with a guy called tom when they both worked on the ents committee. things went very well for the first few times it was on but later russ decided to concentrate on his studies and sold his "rights" to the night to tom for £500. admits he got out to soon but he wasn't to know he'd created a monster. he works in advertising now in manchester for a big northern firm.
before ark their first night was called seduction, this ran for a few months,and they got oakenfold to play and if i remember rightly an up and coming utah saints did a p.a.
this night eventually morphed into ark.

anyway, history lesson over.

23rd May 2006, 12:10 PM
Sorry mate I ain't got this set. Stick up what you've got along with the unknowns and we'll try and sort one out. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

ivan smackhead
23rd May 2006, 08:26 PM
message received and understood!