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View Full Version : Big Piano Tune '89 or '90

13th April 2006, 07:03 PM
The tune on the mp3 uses the same piano riff as another tune. It doesn't have the "it began in africa" sample. It's the other tune I'm trying to find ...confused? :confused: Have a bash anyway please. Thanks for dropping bye :wave:

13th April 2006, 07:13 PM
That tune is Chicco Secci - Whip Of The Rhythm, Big 89 Piano tune, the Pianopella was used a lot

It got sampled in 92 by Elixir Vitae - Gotta Release It


13th April 2006, 08:35 PM
Appreciate the help bud, but the tune I'm looking for was definately released around the same time as whip of the rhythm. If you reckon a few have used it then I may well be on to plums...however, I'll throw it back out there for the masses. Thanx again for the response! :rotate: