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View Full Version : 2 quickies from 1993-1995

1st February 2006, 11:47 PM
First track is off a Sasha-esque sounding set from about 1994 featuring Hedningarna- Kruspolska (Munchkin mix) on it. The tune in question is a minimalist techno affair with the following line in druggy female vocal spoken over it:

'I was searching for you.... but I couldn't find you.....I couldn't find you'

The whole tune had a very stoned sound to it that Sasha was caning at the time before he went 'Epic' with BT. Any suggestions most grateful...

Second track is one I heard I think from John Kelly at the Ministry of Sound in 1995. A tune that built and built around a female vocal singing 'Ding-a-Dong' and then breaking into a massive gothic choir head f**k all going "Ding-a-Dong Ding-a-Dong" - I may have hallucinated this whole experience but thats what it felt like at the time 10 years ago!;) ;)

Any suggestions most welcome...

7th November 2021, 07:01 PM
the first track is Spaca - Over Now [Volume And Tension]

its on this Sasha set - https://youtu.be/PEaDvQx6Y48?t=255
