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View Full Version : Mr C netmix session

23rd November 2005, 04:36 PM
Anyone happen to have a tracklist for a mix he did for Netmix in 1997 or 98? The website never published it (some mixes had listing some didn't) It features one of only three tunes that have ever been on my "want to id"-list that has never gotten ided. I do not have a sample for it :|

If I remeber correctly it was in the begining of the mix, like 3rd or 4th track. It was sort of trancey with small short beeps and chopped up vocals going "a da da da da daa" or something like that. Imagine Deep forests Marthas song chopped up and rearanged vocals and then getting tranced (I do not think it was a bootleg though, sounded too good for that, might be wrong though).

The other two songs I have not been able to ID are the included clips.

Thanx in advance.

23rd November 2005, 07:39 PM
Anyone happen to save that mix (was real audio) or record it or something? A longshot I know...