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View Full Version : Techno/Progressive tune from 1994

24th September 2005, 06:11 PM
I'm after a tune that used to get hammered in the techno room in Cream back in 94. I don't have a sample unfortunately but i'll try and explain it.
It has a rolling moody bassline with no vocals and has a rift all the way through it that is the same as 'The Bomb - Bucketheads' but this sounds more like a horn going 'Parp....Parp, parp!' then repeats itself all through the tune.
A bit vague I know but it was one of those tunes that made peeps fill the dancefloor. A proper nodding techno/progressive style tune....:D

Anybody have any ideas??


1st October 2005, 12:46 PM
Here's a sample of the Bucketheads version:


1st February 2009, 04:15 AM
Complete stab in the dark...

When i read your description, first I thought of this: Jump - Funkatarium - but that's too obvious and I think you'd know it.

YouTube - Jump - Funkatarium (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mVsQdi450OQ)

Then I thought of this: Robert Armani - Roadtour(Dave Clarke remix) which is probably a bit too brutal, and in hindsight sounds nothing like the bucketheads.

Roadtour (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=UwQr-7w4cew)
