View Full Version : Another oldskool ID

26th June 2002, 01:59 AM
Ok I'm after a choon...lyrics went something like...

"Big auto aty arety

Big auto aty arety

Party Time in the place to be...."

lyricrs repeat...then like a bit of spinback.....then a trippy/trancy sort of tune....bom bom bom bom ba bom bom.........more lyrics..."oooh weee!"

Sorry for crap description but that's what the lyrics sound like to me :)

Pretty sure it's on a tape of Dj Sy's from around '94

Anyone ID it?

26th June 2002, 04:31 AM
The tune i think you're actually on about here is...
From your description, you want the Welly remix on 'SLATE RECORDS'.
came out about '94, me thinks!:rotate: :spin: :rotate: :spin:

5th July 2002, 09:02 PM
Big auto aty arety

Made me giggle that one :-) Classic misquotes of tunes :-)

Its actually spelling out "PA RT YT IME"

Cheers for making me smile :-)

Captain m00se, Caveman