View Full Version : Hanging my head in shame...

9th February 2005, 01:06 AM
but I need a tune id'd that I own. I know I own it as it is on a set I have just mp3'd from an old mini disc I had. I put the tune on a set a few years ago - but have since lost the tracklisting to that set. I have managed to remember every other tune on the set (after a bit of head scratching) but this one is just not coming to me.
It is from about 2001 and is definitely American and has probably got some links to Halo and Hipp E and the West Coast stuff that was popular then (as I was listening to a lot of that then).

I can post more of the tune if necessary.

Thanks in advance, and apologies for asking others to ID something I know I own.

My powers of remembering are fading. I feel like an old man.

Christ, I think it is nothing to do with my memory - I have posted this in the bloody archive. I initially posted on the wrong bloody website, then posted in the wrong section. I'm giving up and going to bed. No more alcohol for me. With a bit of luck it will all be sorted come the morning (he says hopefully).