View Full Version : help with vertigo hippy pigs track

8th December 2004, 08:03 PM
Help! just found this site, what a result just what i've been needing. Can anyone help identify a tune on a vertigo mix cd called hippy pigs from 1992, all i can tell is that it samples landlord blow out dub and there's some lyrics along the lines of " i just can't understand the way i feel about you, thought our love was so real and now you've turned you back on me, how could you do that to me? i say you cheated on me." also after the satin storm track that lifted a section out of impedance's tainted love. Think it was the early track that had that spooky intro, any ideas.

ste huxley
8th December 2004, 08:25 PM
The first track is

Trueblood - Do that

Dont know second one

8th December 2004, 10:17 PM
Cheers for that fella. Seems this track is pretty obscure, looked on hard-to-find website but no joy, at least i know what i'm looking for now. Are you familiar with this vertigo mix or did you just know form my description? There's a few more tunes on there that i'd like to id. as i type another long lost memory is occuring of a tune dropped by laurent garnier in a radio one essential selection mix several years back that sounded very much like the theme from escape from new york any ideas oldschoolerz?

ste huxley
8th December 2004, 10:42 PM
I know a few on that mix but wont know em all

Your best bet is to up a sample of each tune you after and take it from there

sweet sensation
8th December 2004, 11:17 PM
Lol ask vertigo, Im sure he'll know them !!! :rofl: :P ;) hee hee ;)

Cracking tape that :thumbsup: but then all of vertigos are :phones: