View Full Version : What Mix?

Daz wilde
4th November 2004, 09:05 AM
I've got a knights with Marradonna - Going out of my head on but its not the right mix what most of the peeps play on here!

What mix do i actually need!????


CANO ...
4th November 2004, 12:49 PM
just had a look at my 12 the mix you will be on about dosent have a name , must just be original mix me thinks .

hope this helps :)

Daz wilde
4th November 2004, 01:13 PM
Thought the one on the knights would be the original but it maybe its not!

Cheers anyway!

ste huxley
4th November 2004, 01:23 PM
Yeah you want the original 12" that came out in 1994. Its got 3 excellent mixes on it including the main breakbeat version the other 2 are more housed up.

In about 97 came remixes which werent up to much in my opinion but one of the remix 12"s had the orig breabeat mix on it.

Daz wilde
4th November 2004, 01:34 PM
Was it re-released on s12 label i'm sure its in hmv! - or am i lying?

ste huxley
4th November 2004, 01:54 PM
If there was an S12 re-release then it would have been pretty recently cos they only been going a few years.

Check this


Was it re-released on s12 label i'm sure its in hmv! - or am i lying?

Daz wilde
4th November 2004, 02:09 PM
The s12 one has
tuff jams unda-vybe dub
klubheads mix
porn kings x-plicit
club cut

think that original one is ok then