View Full Version : these 2 i.ds might need experts

31st October 2004, 02:17 PM
any help would be much much appreciated.been chasing these 4 years :confused: :thumbsup:

31st October 2004, 05:07 PM
MK2 is the b-side to a track on Trance records italy the same label as Datura im pretty sure it was Datura in other guise cant remeber the dawn thing though the cover was Black i think maybe someone else will be able to remember it i did have a copy until last year and now im buggered if i can remember it :fekked: :confused: :confused:


31st October 2004, 07:17 PM
I think that mk1 has something to do with fargetta - :confused:

1st November 2004, 08:50 AM
The Vocals in MK2 were taken from an an old Olympic tune caned back in the days of the temple of sound, well worth trackin down if u havnt already got it. Im shure you'll recognise it

Ive got most mixes of Fragetta dont think MK1 is one of em

Get crackin with dem tapes for us bud will u, dyin for some good music over here :thumbsup: