View Full Version : mad remix of jillian mendez piano rip off

29th October 2004, 07:11 PM

just bought a original white label cat : 12 or 001

its got "the gospel according to dj dick" etched on the vinyl.

anyway its got the piano of the classic jillian mendez. and is cut up messed up etc

29th October 2004, 09:11 PM
didn't realise there was a sticker on the sleeve with a piece of cake on it.

had a route around and found some tunes on the "cake label"
i've already got it.........

original rockers "breathless", i remember someone on here asking for a copy recently so if you want it email me.

29th October 2004, 09:30 PM
Trak 1 - Someone

29th October 2004, 09:31 PM
could be.. Trak 1 - Someone