View Full Version : Old Shelleys tune

11th May 2002, 12:34 AM
Heres another people!!!:

Theres a tune I've got on an old Daz Willot Shelley's tape, 1992 which I would like an id on please:

Most recognisable bit is: "Der,der,der,der,der....Mutha Fucka,der der der der der...Mutha Fucka"

Good Ol' MC Lethal is having a sing along!!!

oldskooldazed (al)
11th May 2002, 01:42 AM
tim i think the tune ya want is

Digital boy - this is muthafucka

top tune daz used to rinse - what shelleys tapes ya got

can i get a copy of this en dont think i ave it of course ill swap ya summat or a few


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

11th May 2002, 02:14 AM
Alan, I am ashamed to say that I only have 1 yes 1 measly Shelleys tape!!! And I constantly regret the fact I never went!!!

Anyhoo, Its a 92 tape featuring Daz Willott and Ray Keith with MC Lethal, theres a quality funny as fek bit in it where Lethal goes "Big shout out to the Northern Ireland crew.......All the way from Northern Ireland"!!!! -No shit they come from there!!

If you want a copy m8y, no probs but can you send me a PM so I dont forget and I'll get it done this wknd. I shall be purchasing some Shelleys cds off ya soon sir to place wiith me Bowlers tunes and increase increase my collection.

Skippy, "Mutha Fucka" is part of the tune. The mc is saying it but only going along with the tune...deffo. If you can rip it for me that would be gratefully recieved matey, cheers!

oldskooldazed (al)
11th May 2002, 02:22 PM
top shareage there myk m8 i got a backlog to get - the fekker wont even let me log in - cant even get on webpage or anythin :(:(:(:(:(



oldskooldazed (al)
11th May 2002, 03:02 PM
nice one mike cheers - ill look for ya online

:) :) :)

11th May 2002, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by pacman
I am ashamed to say that I only have 1 yes 1 measly Shelleys tape!!!

Same here Pacman mate :o I went often enough but I never once remember tapes been on sale (I was always pretty battered like :$ )

Thing is even in the 'underworld' that was swapping tapes they weren't common. I'm sure someone once told me that Sasha went through a phase where he didn't like his sets recorded - peeps used to record him on the sly ;)

Might be bollox like :S

Although I can imagine Al with his hidden recording equipment taking a sneaky rip :thumbsup: Lololol, a team outside in an 'unmarked' transit van (except for the 42 arials and a 16 foot satalite dish....)

"no sasha mate no need to worry - it's, erm... a taxi - honest"

:D :D :D :D

Got my one ripped to .RA - you're welcome to ** ahem ** "have a listen" if I can find enough space to upload it :thumbsup:

11th May 2002, 05:54 PM
Skippy - Nice one for that sir, 2 Nurofen plus on the way to ya via pigeon post. Keep your eye out for low flying vermin.

VA - PMSL @ Alans dodgy van recording of Sasha!!!!

Also, I would enjoy, 'Listening' to that very muchly.

About the tapes, Crazy thing Is I never rmember actually purchaisng a Bowlers tape even though every week I said to myself "Remember to buy one tonight". I ended up with a few anyway, Wonder what happened to my memory every sat night in that leisure centre????

Cant remember!

12th May 2002, 06:37 PM
Just thought i'd add that ive got that willot tape that pacmans on about and ive definetly give it to you as well al.
Good tape as well that is!;)

12th May 2002, 06:41 PM
Ah well, Its in the post to you AL anyway:D

Its a crackin tape m8, Excelonta!

oldskooldazed (al)
13th May 2002, 12:31 PM
Cheers muckas

Rich the tapes were avialble all time at £5 from dj box lol
mc always used to shout towards end of nite.

tim nice one - looking forward to it

n paul fuck knows i aint got that one - i must av smoked it or summat lol


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D