View Full Version : Another Italian Corker

1st May 2002, 08:35 PM
Another one off the same tape. Hopefully this one will be a more obvious one that everyone else knows:

Ital2 (http://www.members.aol.com/jonnolad71/ital2.mp3)

1st May 2002, 09:50 PM
I know this one..its on the tip of my tongue

<~~dashes off to the loft to check my dusty section


herman munster
1st May 2002, 09:57 PM
if u got this vinyl alan can ya do us a rip of it m8?

1st May 2002, 10:15 PM
Ive deffo got this but god knows where ive put my vinyl copy

Ive over 14 flight cases all stacked up in the loft and knowing me ive probably misplaced it and ill end up finding it in months to come in my hardcore section lol

If i find it Andy ill rip ya a copy..plus anyone else who wants it too lol


2nd May 2002, 01:19 AM
Another belter !!!!!

I'm not bothered for the MP3 - a positive ID on this one would be more than enough to make you a :king: mate....

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

2nd May 2002, 02:32 PM
then tune you're after is:

eleonor - i just need your body
RaRe records italy 1989.

it is very very rare and would be a flukey catch if it was on gemm or netsounds..but it ain't cos i've just had a peek LOL!
for sale.......no chance,but at least you now know what it's called!
all the best

2nd May 2002, 03:26 PM
Oh bugger !! :'(

Another one for me 'to buy' list then :S

Nice one Mikey :thumbsup: I'd never have guessed at 89 for this one.

BTW - Good to see you back on the board mate :D Hope ya had a good birthday :thumbsup:

2nd May 2002, 03:43 PM
Massive thanks for that one Mikey - much aprreciated. Is it cat no 044 89 perchance?

You're right about it being a begger to track down - hopefully it should turn up - they always do in the end.

I knew it was gonna be early because the tape is from early 91 at the latest.