View Full Version : carl cox 3 dex ID

30th April 2002, 11:23 PM
Heard on either an eclipse or edge tape (carl cox 11?)..A banging breakbeat track with "I am the creator and this is my house"
Anyone ID

Dj M Jaxx
1st May 2002, 01:53 PM
Is this the one that bangs on saying

I am the creator, I am the creator...the creator...the creator...the creator

If so I have this one at home, and I think off the top of my head it is an early Ben Sims track , but I will check it out for you tonight m8

M Jaxx :phones: :phones: :phones:

1st May 2002, 05:35 PM
jax r u thinking of
"we are we are we are the creator"

return of the living acid - creator

fatest rolling basline amnd a funky break oi oi

1st May 2002, 05:37 PM
nother tune taht has the word creator in it is
lfo - we are back
uses a speak n spelll fer the voice ;)
"there are many imitators but we are the true creators"

Dj M Jaxx
1st May 2002, 05:54 PM
Na, m8 the one I am thinking of is much more old style Techno m8

Im off home now to find it and put me mind at rest

will post the answear later tonight

M Jaxx

Ps You gooing to Cometogether on the 10th m8 ??:)

1st May 2002, 08:30 PM
to be honest id love too
but am very broke
and should stay away from the temptation to indulge
if not just fer me state of mind but my but pocket too

we shall see tho

1st May 2002, 09:08 PM
Carl Cox eclipse 11 is from late 92 so I doubt its any of those you put up doolz m8.
Is there any chance of a sample of this tune turpieaj as Im sure it rings a bell with me but I cant place it..

1st May 2002, 11:16 PM
But I lost the tape years ago, maybe Alan (stoke) has it??
It was the one from the not the hitman and her at the eclipse.