View Full Version : Bowlers new years eve 95

23rd April 2002, 02:49 PM
I recently downloaded a mix off audiogalaxy from bowlers 95 new years eve 2nd part. does any one have a tracklisting for it as i need to know the name of a few of the tracks especially the last one on that mix. Also does anyone know where i can get good quaility mixes from bowlers to download, i have a few in my queue but the person with them never seems to be on line

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

23rd April 2002, 02:54 PM

If you go oldskoolanthemz.com which I believe is going to be the new site for these guys....there are some bowlers mixes on there, good quality aswell.


23rd April 2002, 03:00 PM
Thanks just tried the site you suggested but its not working correctly. You cant select the mixes tab or get int the forums any more suggestions mate

23rd April 2002, 03:02 PM
he is the moderator for the site....try PM'ing him.

Apart from that site I haven't found anyone else, but I haven't really tried that hard....


23rd April 2002, 03:50 PM
the oldskoolanthemz.com 1 aint mine fellas its oldskoolanthemz.co.uk. i have a load of life mixes on mine but there in real audio

that rip of bowlers new year 95 part 2 is prolly a rip ive done. can u send em messages thru audiogalaxy andy mate?? if so send em a msg sayin ur a mate of butty from old skool anthemz n if its sum 1 i know then theyl prolly let ya have it n if they wont let u have it call em a snack/slippery serpent n get off :thumbsup:

23rd April 2002, 04:07 PM
no mate cant send messages but do you know the last song on part 2

23rd April 2002, 04:14 PM
its entitled nipper but 90% of the tape is by paul walker

some real 1995 cheese on their

transformer2 just can't get enough

is the only one that sticks out in memory

24th April 2002, 08:24 PM
WHta ya typing into the search engine on Audiogalaxy for the Bowlers mixes fella?

24th April 2002, 10:39 PM
just trying typing bowlers do you kno wif they are called something else mate