View Full Version : Voices of Africa - Hoomba Hoomba

14th March 2004, 10:55 PM
Now then everybody remembers this tune! but i seem to remember a 'vocal' version (might be an accapella?) with a woman singing - "voices of africa lift your voices up" anybody know what im on about or was it all just some type of wonderfull dream! :rolleyes:

14th March 2004, 11:02 PM
i've got a copy of the vocal version on tam tam recs, i'll rip it for u if u want?

it'll have to wait till 'true romance' has finished tho, which is starting now on c4... :ghost:


15th March 2004, 02:45 AM
it must be in me loft, i'll sort it after lunch tomorrow :)

15th March 2004, 07:22 PM
phew, found it at last! i've been looking for it all day. after going thru all my records 5 times, i went and threw me dinner up thinking i must have binned it by mistake or had it pinched or summat... but, it was hiding behind a piece of mdf board in me loft, i must have put it to one side at some point then forgot about it. anyway, i can breathe out at last, and here's a rip -

voice of africa - hoomba hoomba (boiling mix) (http://www.btinternet.com/~damag3/voice_of_africa_-_hoomba_hoomba_-_boiling_mix.mp3) phones:

cat# rttt027, remixed by ben and andy for boilerhouse, additional vocals by joy rose.


15th March 2004, 08:45 PM
Thats the one skippy!
feckin great! a lot better than the original! IMO! :thumbsup:
thought it was the remix but could never get my hands on it! i remember it was hard-to-find even when it came out, i was told it was deleted on the day it was released!

now all i need is one of them vinyl cutting things! bugger! :'(
thanks again :thumbsup: