View Full Version : 1994 chris and james remix

15th April 2002, 12:54 PM
samples doug lazy. "rock the left turntable then switch to the right" don't let up keep pumping." Then later "I keep rocking I don't ruin the pace"

ste huxley
15th April 2002, 01:50 PM
Hmm theres a few tunes that used this most excellent rappage.

Was it quite a pumpin tune?

Any other things in it you can describe?

15th April 2002, 02:01 PM
it basically cunnily uses the left and right channels so when it goes rock the left turntable the switch to the right it then has a bit of scratching that fades from the left speaker/headphone to the right. The ending is wicked and very pumping and just keeps going I keep rocking I don't ruin the pace.