View Full Version : Candyman

13th April 2002, 04:08 PM
"Candyman country, you do knwo the story dont you?......where they proceeded to...saw of his right arm with a rusty blade".............."Yo G, Yo G, how'd ya feel?"

Does anyone know this tune?, its prob 93 ish hard techno. To be honest I cant really remember the style but the words stick out, Stu Allan used to play it alot on Key 103 around this time.

13th April 2002, 10:27 PM
I know it m8.. its a bit of a gabber techno tune really.. early gabber not as fast as the usual shite... ive got it on a stu allen tape somewhere.. i'll find out what its called for ya...:D

14th April 2002, 11:34 AM
Nice one mate, its one of them that once you've thought of it it pecks away at your head until you get the answer!

14th April 2002, 10:58 PM
having probs finding this m8.. bloody tapes everywhere..lol.. i'll keep looking...:@

17th April 2002, 09:55 PM
grrrrr!! ive found the tape m8 but its on a Stu Allen mix and if you wanted the track listing ya hand to write to Key 103 for it... that was back in 93... sorry m8 but thats the best I can do for ya.. tape has some really fast mad techno on it.. proper German techno.. must of been a phase I went through..LOL!

17th April 2002, 10:05 PM
Is it that long ago? Shit! makes you feel old!!:(

I had an old Stu tape with it on, poss same night but likes loads of me key 103 Stu tapes its gone walkabout:@

Nice one for looking though mate, well appreciated:rotate: :rotate:

18th April 2002, 11:50 AM
If ya wanna copy of the tape then let me know and i'll bring it to Good Times for you if your going....:D