View Full Version : Hardcore help

10th April 2002, 01:19 PM
Help me id these please - especially the first one, damn I want that tune. Thanks. http://www.stormpages.com/allyourbass/

10th April 2002, 03:11 PM
Hiya mate, welcome aboard :thumbsup:

There's probably no point me even having a look cause I probably know more about brain surgery than I do about hardcore (everyone to their own init ??) :D

I'm sure someone will give em a damn good going over though, cause we got expertise in all different styles on ere... ;)

Good luck !!!

10th April 2002, 03:49 PM
Cheers for the welcome m8, but to tell the truth I don't think the first tune would be categorised as hardcore - I just remember it being played at raves in hardcore dj's sets. Oh I don't know, fingers crossed that it gets id'd anyway before I pull all my hair out.