View Full Version : One that just sprang to mind....

25th November 2003, 06:48 PM
Bit of an early hardcore tune I think (early 91 ish)...

Male vocal sample (American) "I cant tell you how proud we all are" or summat.... :axe:

Answers on a copy of Alpha DY - Chicago Trip to Shooms@headfekked.comeondown

Ta in advance :thumbsup: (See Mr Ste Thomas - I'm a good lad - I even say thanks before the tune is ID'd ;) )

26th November 2003, 12:14 PM
Bugger - does this mean I have to rip a sample :( Bit more info that may help its sorta synthy in a Nitrous - Moonwalk kinda way & I think the male sample was ripped from a NASA speech... certainly sounds clipped like talking thru an old style headset... if you know what I mean.... lol - prolly not :$

27th November 2003, 10:31 AM
LOL - spent near on an hour finding the tape with this tune on - forgive the rip (its a tad bassy) but I couldnt be arsed fine tuning it - any ideas welcomed :D