View Full Version : tune or dj trickery

hardcore crazy
21st November 2003, 09:59 PM
:crazy: does any of you knowledgable chaps know of a hardcore tune from 92 with a dr who theme tune sample on it ,i heard it in labrynth one night but could not find out what it was,i never heard it again, thanks for helping with this unsolved mystery:ghost:

22nd November 2003, 11:06 AM
This could be Boomtown - 'Doctor' on De'Ja Vu records from 1992ish.

I have it, Ill stick a clip on later if I can find it in my racks.

See ya


22nd November 2003, 11:59 AM
I think it was 1992 anyway, mines a whitelabel so Im going off memory!....

hardcore crazy
22nd November 2003, 12:14 PM
:D thanks for that sirius that must be it my mates think i was tripping out :axe: once again o s a has come up with the goods:luv: