View Full Version : 89-92 european techno ids

5th September 2003, 09:48 AM

These have been posted before - some of the olderskool might recall - but there's fresh blood here, I can smell it! Or maybe it's the black pudding I had wi' me breakfast..

Anyhows, pop on over and have a quick listen - I really appreciate it!

P.S. There's a couple could do with confirmation:

301 - three corporation - i need a fix
601 - kamikaze - kamikaze's way


Mouse! Doolzy babe! Jaz! - long time no see!

5th September 2003, 11:03 AM
704 is the rap from D Rail Bring It On Down - maybe a remix??

5th September 2003, 11:19 AM
Yep, that's one avenue I've been chasing. Afaik there were never any official remixes. Those kerazy italians were known for their wholesale 'tributes' to great tunes though.. and I suspect that's what's happening here...

Thanks for listening :D

5th September 2003, 11:31 AM
704 is for sale on my site and there's a sample up (features page)


i'll just check for you..

s900 - la bestia


5th September 2003, 11:38 AM
Scratch one :)

Cheers fella!

5th September 2003, 12:25 PM
P.S. There's a couple could do with confirmation:

301 - three corporation - i need a fix

I am 100% that 301 is Three corporation, I will check my vinyl when I get home mate!

But almost positive! ;)

5th September 2003, 12:28 PM
!!!!!!!!!!! DING DING DING DING JACKPOT !!!!!!!!!!!

This has been my #1 wanted since 1990.

Any chance of a rip pretty please??!!!!

I'll trade good, naturally!

I'm off now to have a lie down in a cool darkened room...