View Full Version : Give me love

28th August 2003, 11:49 AM
This tune has been wrestling with my swede lately - I was led to believe it was Diddy - Give me love but I got that one and it wasnt half as good as the one I wanted.

A DJ played it for me and it was the right tune and he insisted it was Diddy but then I was introduced to River Ocean - Love and Happiness Chris and James Club Mix - not sure if its this coz i aint got it but the tune im on about says

Give me love all I ever wanted
Give me love all I ever needed....etc

But the diddy one ive got on positiva dunt have the extra vocals / piano which is top

Can n e one shed n e light on it geezatrons?

28th August 2003, 11:58 AM
you need to get the promo double pack with the extra mixes..i think it's diddy's vocal mix or something..

haven't got details to hand but sure someone has, if not i'll check for you later.

ste huxley
28th August 2003, 12:02 PM
Its the Fever Pitch 1997 release, diddy vocal mix as Grad said

28th August 2003, 12:08 PM
Nice one fellas! ere I got my hands on Parra Dice after all!!! ha ha mint! Im in me mams at minute got my decks set up int conservatory me mams lovin it. She keeps lookin at me with a big smile on her faace like this :|

:D :D:D

28th August 2003, 06:35 PM
I had the same prob a few years back mate
Everytime i listened to it it just didnt sound as good

I was buzzin when i fanally got the better version!