View Full Version : another old skool tune ID

digital orgasm
17th March 2002, 11:13 PM
hi again

I have another tune I'm after from an old DJ SY tape (around 1994)

All I know is the tune has a woman singing (american i think).....

something like....."Big auto watty arrety, party time in the place to be." This repeats a few times

Any ideas?

digital orgasm
18th March 2002, 03:02 PM
c'mon guys anyone know this one?

digital orgasm
18th March 2002, 03:03 PM
and then just after the woman sings, theres like a bit of spinback

18th March 2002, 07:14 PM
you sure it isn't saying..

P...A...R...T....Y....T....I...M...E.... partytime in the place to be

tho I might not be thinking of the same tune!
