View Full Version : guess 1991

9th August 2003, 02:00 AM
Greetings and Good news everyone!

I am new on this forum, joined a couple of weeks ago and have been 'hallucinating' since with your expertise. Really incredible.
I got two tunes from the year 91 ish (I guess). They are pretty famous, I heard them plenty of times in those past years, shouldn't be a problem for you experts to ID them.

Tks for your help

9th August 2003, 02:02 AM
And this is the second one!

9th August 2003, 09:23 AM
wotcha mate & welcome to the board :D

had a listen to both && cant help ya :( sure someone on here will be able to nail em - are u sure they're from 91 ? the 1st one sounds slow for 91 - almost new beat ish - chooon though :D

9th August 2003, 10:35 AM
Thanks Shoomster for your welcome.
I got the tunes on a tape from a Spanish club called "Graf" from the year 1991, but that doesn't obviously mean they are from that year. As you say, they sound new beatish industrialish, in fact on the same tape there are plenty of 'A split second-on command, rigor mortis, flesh', 'Front 242- Funkahdafi, welcome to paradise' tunes.
They might be from earlier years.


9th August 2003, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by skippy
i've got your second tune, it's - umo detic - fahrenheit (http://www.btinternet.com/~damag3/umo_detic_-_fahrenheit.mp3)

Welcome to the board m8, sorry dont know any of the tunes!! :D

Had a fellin' Skippy would i.d one of 'em!! T'other tune at a guess, will probs get i.d'ed by Wildpitch.

9th August 2003, 05:44 PM
wow, finally got it 'umo detic' from the year 89, thanks a lot skippy for your help, much appreciated.
Thanks also to Biskit for the welcome.
You all are a very knowledgeable bunch, big thanks.